All auctions Construction Machines Lift car Mercedes Sprinter / Lift bil Mercedes Sprinter

Lift car Mercedes Sprinter / Lift bil Mercedes Sprinter Greåker

All amounts in NOK
Sold for: 210 000,-
Reserve Price: (is met)
Increment: 2 000,-
VAT All bids ex VAT. The object is sold exclusive of VAT.
Charges: Auction charges will be applied.
You confirm your bid in the next step. Read more about autobids
Started: 27.01.2025 12:00:00 Auction closed: 06.02.2025 14:07:43 CET

Product information and Technical condition


  • BrandMercedes Benz
  • ModelSprinter
  • Type3.0 Diesel
  • Year Model2015
  • Serial numberWDB9066531P153684
  • First Time Registered28 Aug 2015
  • CE-markedYes
  • Vehicle Info Url
  • Kilometers225755
  • Kilometers Date05 Dec 2024
  • Asset overall conditionFully functional during last use.

Additional features

  • Power HP190

Other information

Mercedes Benz lift bil selges for kunde, dette er en kunde vi har solgt flere biler for og alle kundene har vært fornøyd.

2015 modell med 3.0 L diesel og 190 hk.

Bilen er EU godkjent fram til 30.05.2025 og liften (Versalift) er sertifisert fram til Desember 2025.

Liften har en kapasitet på 230 KG og en arbeidshøyde på 17M


Mercedes Benz lift car is sold for customer, this is a customer we have sold several cars for and all customers have been satisfied.

2015 model with 3.0 L diesel and 190 hp.

The car is EU approved until 30.05.2025 and the lift (Versalift) is certified until December 2025.

The lift has a capacity of 230 KG and a working height of 17M

Important sales information

Seller / Auction broker: Marius Bugge
Location Greåker , Norway

Seller information

Denne auksjonen er opprettet av Marius Bugge på vegne av selger.

For spørsmål kontakt eller +47 40157744

Utlevering av objekt må avtales direkte med selger minst 1 dag på forhånd.

Kjøper, alternativt transportselskap, er ansvarlig for lasting av objekt hvis ikke selger har mulighet å bistå. Korrekt transportdokumentasjon er et krav for å få hentet kjøpt objekt.

This auction was created by Marius Bugge on behalf of the seller.

For questions contact or +47 40157744

Collection of the lot must be agreed directly with the seller at least 1 day in advance.

The buyer or the transport company is responsible for loading the object if the seller is not able to assist.
Correct documentation for transport is required before collection of objects can take place.

General conditions

  • Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
  • Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
  • All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
  • Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
  • All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
  • An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
  • The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
  • The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.


Bidder Date/time Bid
5054083 06.02.2025 14:02:43 186 000
5050277 06.02.2025 14:02:18 184 000
5054083 06.02.2025 14:01:16 182 000
5050277 06.02.2025 14:00:58 180 000
5054083 06.02.2025 14:00:05 178 000
5050277 06.02.2025 13:59:45 176 000
5054083 06.02.2025 13:58:56 174 000
5050277 06.02.2025 12:42:03 172 000
5050277 06.02.2025 12:41:23 170 000
5054083 06.02.2025 12:10:14 170 000
5050277 06.02.2025 12:41:00 166 000
5050277 06.02.2025 11:14:25 162 000
5053387 05.02.2025 18:34:29 160 000
5054083 03.02.2025 21:42:15 160 000
5073276 03.02.2025 17:00:09 116 000
5041931 02.02.2025 23:21:04 114 000
5035912 02.02.2025 23:04:35 112 000
5041931 01.02.2025 12:00:09 110 000
5054083 27.01.2025 20:45:26 100 000
5041931 01.02.2025 11:59:33 88 000
5041931 01.02.2025 11:57:23 55 000
5041931 01.02.2025 11:57:06 26 100
5041931 01.02.2025 11:56:59 22 100
5050277 29.01.2025 06:27:08 18 100
5050277 29.01.2025 06:26:37 14 100
5050277 29.01.2025 06:26:11 10 100
5050277 27.01.2025 18:18:57 6 100
227959 27.01.2025 16:38:38 4 100
5057418 27.01.2025 14:34:27 2 100
5057418 27.01.2025 14:33:31 100
Minimum start bid 100
*= Autobid