All auctions Transportation Volvo F62TR HIAB Ultima 21 lastväxlare/ Hook loader Låg milare

Volvo F62TR HIAB Ultima 21 lastväxlare/ Hook loader Låg milare Halmstad

All amounts in SEK
Highest bid 328 000,-
Reserve Price: (not met)
Increment: 2 000,-
VAT All bids ex VAT. VAT of 25% will be added.
Charges: Auction charges will be applied.
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Closes in:
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3 7 minutes
4 9 seconds
Started: 30.09.2024 09:00:00 Auction closes: 08.10.2024 10:00:00 CET

Product information and Technical condition


  • BrandVolvo
  • ModelF62 TR
  • Year Model2019
  • Serial numberYV2X2Y0C3KA845716
  • Registration numberZXW02Z
  • Extra equipmentHIAB Multilift 21ton
  • CE-markedYes
  • Kilometers209151
  • Kilometers Date10 Sep 2024
  • Asset overall conditionFully functional during last use.

Additional features

    Other information

    Volvo F62 TR
    Årsmodell 2019
    Km 209151,8
    Lastväxlare HIAB Multilift Ultima 21
    Senast godkända besiktning 240312
    Tjänstevikt 11855kg
    Max lastvikt 16145kg
    Totalvikt 28000kg
    3st hjulaxlar
    1-2 4600mm
    2-3 1370mm
    Bakre överhäng 1100mm
    Längd 8250mm
    Bredd 2500mm
    Höjd 3034mm
    Växellåda automat
    Motor effekt 345kW
    Euro 6
    Har använts som TMA-bil ( Låga km)
    Fordonet i mycket gott skick
    Fordonet är i trafik kan rulla några mil under auktionstiden


    Volvo F62 TR
    Model year 2019
    Km 209151.8
    Load changer HIAB Multilift Ultima 21
    Last approved inspection 240312
    Operating weight 11855kg
    Max load weight 16145kg
    Total weight 28000kg
    3 wheel axles
    1-2 4600mm
    2-3 1370mm
    Rear overhang 1100mm
    Length 8250mm
    Width 2500mm
    Height 3034mm
    Automatic gearbox
    Engine power 345kW
    Euro 6
    Has been used as a TMA car (low km)
    The vehicle is in very good condition
    The vehicle is in traffic, may roll a few miles during the auction period

    Important sales information

    Seller / Auction broker: PEAB Swerock AB
    Location Halmstad, Sweden

    Seller information

    ALLA frågor i samband med denna auktion eller önskemål beträffande inspektion måste riktas till:
    LogistikPartner Sverige på telefon +46(0)70-638 77 71 eller
    Direktkontakt med ägaren kan först ske när LogistikPartner har anvisat rätt kontakt

    Upphämtning av objekt aviseras minst 1 dag i förväg. DETTA ÄR ETT KRAV!
    Köparen eller transportbolaget är ansvarig för lastning av objektet.

    Fraktdokument och CMR dokument skrivs av köpare eller transportbolaget.
    Transportbolaget ansvarar för att rätt typ av transportfordon sänds till last adressen.
    Om dessa villkor inte uppfylls sker ingen utlämning.
    Hämtning är normalt mellan 08.00-16.00 Måndag till Fredag. Tid måste avtalas.


    The sales is handled by LogistikPartner Sweden on behalf of the owner of the objects.

    ALL questions related to this auction or request regarding inspection must be directed to:
    LogistikPartner Sweden on phone +46(0)70-638 77 71 or
    Direct contact with the owner can occur when LogistikPartner advise the correct contact.

    Pick-up of items to be notified at least 1 day in advance. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT!
    The buyer or transport company is responsible for loading the object.

    Shipping documents and CMR documents are written by the buyer or the transport company.
    The transport company is responsible for sending the correct type of transport vehicle to the cargo address.
    If these conditions are not met, no extradition will be made.
    Pick-up is normally between 08.00-16.00 Monday to Friday. Time to be agreed.

    General conditions

    • Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
    • Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
    • All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
    • Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
    • All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
    • An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
    • The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
    • The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.


    Bidder Date/time Bid
    5670952 06.10.2024 20:33:16 328 000
    832466 04.10.2024 17:15:51 326 000
    5670952 06.10.2024 10:16:30 54 000
    5653560 05.10.2024 04:19:32 50 000
    853957 02.10.2024 14:27:25 2 100
    5664424 30.09.2024 09:36:35 100
    Minimum start bid 100
    *= Autobid